
1. Emerging awareness of written and visual text.
2. Developing awareness of writing having meaning and environmental text.
3. Knows and uses book conventions; left to right orientation, awareness of print conveying meaning, holding the book the right way.
4. Understands auditory and visual similarities and differences.
5. Name recognition.


1. Can remember and follow 3 step directions/instructions.
2. Has a developed wide vocabulary. Listens to stories.
3. Speaks in grammatically correct, extended sentences.
4. Expresses ideas fluently.
5. Contributes to discussions (eg. news, family experiences, individual interests, interaction with books).
6. Articulation is appropriate.
7. Sufficient volume to be heard when speaking.
8. Conventions of communication; can ask for help and/or ask questions, seeking guidance to meet their needs.



1. Displays emotional security.
2. Appears to have a positive self image.
3. Can cope with minor frustrations/disappointments.
4. Can accept guidance or direction from adults.
5. Separates happily from parents.
6. Able to share with peers.
7. Negotiates situations positively.


Self Help

1. Tends to own needs.
2. Recognises own belongings and takes responsibility for them
3. Can toilet self independently.
4. Dress self and put shoes on.


Maths skills

1. Recognises colours and shapes correctly.
2. Numeracy skills developing (i.e. one-to-one correspondence, number recognition).
3. Mathematical concepts developing (i.e. weight, size). Sequencing, matching and sorting developed.
4. Develop problem solving skills.
5. Complete puzzles.

Gross motor

1. Ball control.
2. Confidently learning to run, skip, climb and jump.
3. Spatial awareness.


1. Has developed positive peer relationships.
2. Ability to work alone and also in a group.
3. Relates to adults other than parents.

Fine motor

1. Correct pencil grip.
2. Able to manipulate small items using pincer grip.
3. Correct use of scissors.
4. Detailed and recognisable drawings.
5. Developed and accurate hand-eye co-ordination.


1. Enjoys participating in musical and/or group activities. Is aware of music types and recognises rhythms.
2. Uses construction imaginatively.
3. Uses a variety of mediums creatively.



1. Emerging awareness of written and visual text.
2. Developing awareness of writing having meaning and environmental text.
3. Knows and uses book conventions; left to right orientation, awareness of print conveying meaning, holding the book the right way
4. Understands auditory and visual similarities and differences.
5. Name recognition



1. Can remember and follow 3 step directions/instructions.
2. Has a developed wide vocabulary. Listens to stories.
3. Speaks in grammatically correct, extended sentences.
4. Expresses ideas fluently.
5. Contributes to discussions (eg news, family experiences,individual, interest, interaction with books ).
6. Articulation is appropriate. 7. Sufficient volume to be heard when speaking.
8. Conventions of communications; Can ask for help and/or ask questions, seeking guidance to meet their needs



1. Displays emotional security.
2. Appears to have a positive self image.
3. Can cope with minor frustrations/disappointments.
4. Can accept guidance or direction from adults.
5. Separates happily from parents.
6. Able to share with peers
7. Negotiate situations positively


Self Help

1. Can tend to own needs.
2. Recognise own belongings and taking responsibility for them
3. Toilet self independently.
4. Dress self and put shoes on


Maths skills

1. Recognises colours and shapes correctly.
2. Numeracy skills developing (i.e. one-to-one correspondence, number recognition).
3. Mathematical concepts developing (i.e. weight, size). Sequencing, matching and sorting developed.
4. Develop problem solving skills
5. Complete puzzles


Gross motor

1. Ball control. 2. Confidently learning to run, skip, climb and jump. 3. Spatial awareness



1. Has developed positive peer relationships.
2. Ability to work alone and also in a group.
3. Relates to other adults other than parents.

Fine motor

Fine motor

1. Correct pencil grip
2. Able to manipulate small items using pincer grip
3. Correct use of scissors.
4. Detailed and recognisable drawings.
5. Developed and accurate hand-eye co-ordination.



1. Enjoys participating in musical and/or group activities. Is aware of music types and recognises rhythms.
2. Uses construction imaginatively.
3. Uses a variety of mediums creatively

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At Learn Your Way, children become confident and involved learners by engaging in interest based, educational activities, whilst having fun.


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